Turn-key Biogas Plants


In 2014 the biogas plant in Karacabey, we constructed  for Sütaş, started operation, which is still one of Turkey’s most efficient plants.


From permits and licenses to credit / investment, design, construction, equipment installation, operation and operation


We do not give the customer a partial solution: Our facilities include hygienisation, biological desulphurization, waste water treatment and fertilizer drying systems.


We find an investor for you, we build a biogas plant and we transfer it to you after 6 years. The only thing you will have to secure is the raw material and land for the plant.

See What We Have Realized Sofar

Türk Tuborg – Izmir

Pınar Entegre Et – Izmir

Anadolu Efes – Izmir

Sütaş – Enfaş

Sütaş – Tarfaş

Sunel Tobacco – Izmir

Let’s Build Efficient Biogas Plants Together!

MWe capacity of our biggest biogas plant
Your annual K€ income with a 1 MWe capacity plant
6 Years
ROI-time of our biogas plants
Average Biogas Plant Investment per kWe installed

A Few Characteristics of EES

Everything Included

We do not give the customer a partial solution: Our facilities include hygienisation, biological desulphurization, waste water treatment and fertilizer drying systems.


We find an investor for you, we build a biogas plant and we transfer it to you after 6 years. The only thing you will have to secure is the raw material and land for the plant.

Total Solution

From permits and licenses to credit / investment, design, construction, equipment installation, operation and operation

More Efficient Plants

In 2014 the biogas plant in Karacabey, we constructed  for Sütaş, started operation, which is still one of Turkey’s most efficient plants.

We listen to our Customers

Together we offer the most suitable solution for you | We speak clearly | On Time Delivery

Strong Business Partners

Armatec FTS (D) – equipment | Goldex (D) – Providing Credits and Hermes | ME-LE (D) – Design and EPC contractor | PRE (D) – Wave Box Ultrasonic Technology | General System Design (TR) – EPC and Equipment | Armaplast / Bioarma (TR) – EPC and Equipment


  1. Termophilic (55 °C)
  2. Mesophilic (38 °C)
  3. Wet Fermentation
  4. Dry Fermentation

Fertilizer Drying

  1. 85% Dry Matter
  2. Granules
  3. Pelets
  4. Enrichment


  1. Design
  2. Feasibility
  3. Turn-key
  4. Financing

Quality is our Brand
